Wednesday, July 31, 2019


An agreement made by where purchasers and Sellerss coming close contact with each other for the intent of purchasing and merchandising of goods and services straight or indirectly is described as market. Perfective Competition Monopolistic Competition Monopoly CompetitionMarketOligopoly Competition Duopoly CompetitionMonopoly MarketSingle house No replacement Monetary value shaper Downward inclining supply curve Entry barriers No competitionPerfect MarketMonetary value Homogeneous merchandises Large figure of purchasers and Sellerss Free entry and free issue Perfect cognition Perfect mobility of factors of production Absence of conveyance costDUOPLOY Market2 Sellerss Restricted entry Sellers have some market power Close replacement might be differentiated Demand curve downward sloping Equilibrium point is MR =MCOligopoly MarketFew Sellerss Homogeneous and differentiated merchandises Restricted entry Imperfect information Mutuality and changeless battle Very high monetary value snap High merchandising cost Lack of uncertainnessMONOPOLISTIC MarketLarge figure of purchasers an Sellerss Merchandise distinction Free entry High merchandising cost Two dimensions of competition Monetary value Non monetary valueDIFFERENCE BETWEEN PRICE AND NON PRICE COMPETITIONFooting NON PRICE Monetary valueMeaningMarketing scheme in which one house tries to separate its merchandise or service from viing merchandises on the footing of properties like design and craft † Selling scheme where a company tries to separate its merchandise or service from viing merchandises on the footing of low monetary value.FocusThe focal point is on quality, deign, bringing methods, locations, particular services The focal point is on lone monetary value of the merchandise.Net incomeIt is normally more profitable than selling for a lower monetary value, and avoids the hazard of a monetary value war. The company may take to stand in normal net income or normal net income.Selling CostSelling cost is high as the company pass a batch on promotional activities Selling cost is low as company focuses on monetary value factor more than promotional activities.MarketMost common among oligopolies and monopolistic competition, because houses can be highly competitory. Due to inordinate completion, a state of affairs of monetary value wars occurs in oligopolistic and monopolistic marketsExamplesShampoo Market Mobile service suppliersNON PRICE COMPETITIONApplicable to all markets except perfect & A ; monopoly market. Single purchaser in monopoly so no competition.PRICE COMPETITIONApplicable in all types of markets except monopoly market All are monetary value takers & A ; monopoly is monetary value shaper.NON PRICE COMPETITIONProduct distinction is the procedure of separating a merchandise from other merchandises in the market by adding alone characteristics like manner, quality, offers etc which makes it more attractive and superior to the mark market. The success of the merchandise distinction is more based on non monetary value factors non monetary value factors and successful distinction gives origin to monopolistic competition and sometimes to hone competition besides.There are three types of merchandise distinction:1. Simple: based on a assortment of features 2. Horizontal: based on a individual feature but consumers are non clear on quality 3. Vertical: based on a individual feature and consumers are clear on its quality3 Elementss of monetary value distinction1. Convenience- as the altering scenario client wants the merchandise every bit shortly as possible. So the house should seek to present the merchandise available on clip. 2. Customization- harmonizing to the demands of the clients the merchandise must alter in footings of sizes, colour, design, engineering etc 3. Cost recovery- this is the cost that is deserving bear downing. It doesnaa‚ ¬a„?t average really high or really low but should be sensible harmonizing to the merchandise.Non monetary value determiners of demandIncome of the consumer There is direct relation between the income of the consumer and demand for it. By and large, higher the income, higher the measure demanded and lower the income lower the measure demanded. Monetary value of the related good In instance of replacement goods, demand for a trade good falls with the autumn in the monetary value of other trade goods In instance of complementary goods, monetary value demand of a trade good rises with the autumn in the monetary value of other trade goods. Taste and penchant If the client has developed a gustatory sensation for a trade good, the demand will increase If he has no gustatory sensation and penchant for the merchandise, the demand will diminish. Seasonal factors The demand keeps on altering harmonizing to the conditions conditions. Summers will increase the demand of soft drinks whereas winter will increase the demand og woollens. Number of purchasers The demand of any merchandise depends on the figure of purchasers of the merchandise. More the purchasers demand will be high, less the figure of purchaser demand will be less. , Future outlooks If the monetary value of any trade good is expected to lift in future, clients starts purchasing prior to that and if the crowbars are expected to come down in future the client postpone his purchasing to acquire the benefit.NON PRICE DETERMINANTS OF SUPPLYInput signal monetary values As the input monetary values increases, the supply will be affected and will fall down. Technology Measure of the stuff required depends upon the engineering. Cost salvaging engineering consequences in autumn in input monetary values and therefore addition in the supply. Number of Sellerss With the addition in the figure of Sellerss, the supply besides increases with the curve switching to its right side. Expectations If the monetary values are expected to lift in future, the marketer will do unreal deficit and therefore the supply decreases.ADVANTAGES OF NON PRICE COMPETITIONThe consumers get low monetary values as the accent is non on monetary value itaa‚ ¬a„?s fundamentally on the other factors of the merchandise other than monetary value. To convey fluctuations houses keep on conveying new engineerings which result in more smoothing of the maps and add fluctuation in the merchandise. The accent is non on monetary value and hence the chief focal point is on bettering the quality and the services of the merchandise. Large figure of discrepancies leads to many picks and options for the clients in the market. There is no monetary value war in the market hence it keeps and creates a proper subject in the market which leads to smooth state of affairs. Consumers get more and more fringe benefits in footings of offers and price reductions which attract people and therefore take to competition in the market. A typical characteristic of non-price tools is that they may modify the grade of replaceability among goods.PRICE CONPETITIONPRICE EALSTICITY OF DEMANDThis step the reactivity of measure demanded of a merchandise to alterations in its ain monetary value. It allows comparing of measure demanded with pecuniary alterations It measures the alterationMarketPRICE ELASTICITYPerfect marketMonopoly marketMonopolistic marketOligopoly marketDuopoly marketIn this market the demand is elastic as the merchandises are indistinguishable in nature and are perfect replacement of each other. This market is extremely inelastic as there is 1 marketer who can do alterations in the monetary value and measure demanded consequently. Demand is comparatively elastic, with little alteration in monetary value leads to big alteration in measure demanded as all the merchandises are close replacement of each other. Demand is comparatively elastic as the merchandises are close replacement of each other. Demand is comparatively elastic as there are merely 2 Sellerss in the market and the merchandises are close replacement. For example- If the monetary value of steel and Fe additions what happens to its measure demanded.CROSS ELASTICITY OF DEMANDThe reactivity of demand for one good to a alteration in the monetary value of another ; the proportionate alteration in demand for one good divided by the proportionate alteration in the monetary value of the other.MarketCROSS ELASTICITYPerfect market Monopolistic market Duopoly market Oligopoly market Monopoly market As the merchandises are homogeneous there is a high monetary value cross snap demand. Cross piece snap is comparatively high due to competition and the figure of manufacturers in this market is high Fewer manufacturers in the market so the cross monetary value snap is low. Merchandises are close replacement, so alteration in monetary value will increase the demand of another merchandise. It has high cross snap. Merely 1 marketer in the market and therefore no replacement is available so transverse monetary value snap is non applicableADVANTAGES OF PRICE COMPETITIONPricing policy has a direct impact on the clients as pricing of any merchandise is the first observation of clients. Puting monetary values is relatively a simple undertaking as it does non necessitate fiscal and accounting records to find monetary values No market research is required which involves a high cost. So it saves cost on promotional activities as compared to non monetary value competition. Pricing straight indicates the quality and criterion of the merchandise and therefore the value of the merchandise can be estimated. Price competition divides the sections decently as it clearly points the premium and economic system category. Pricing scheme helps a batch to new participants come ining in the market to derive market portion.DecisionMonetary value and non monetary value, both have different impact on the markets. As observed in the above assignment it is seen that monopolistic market is the market state of affairs which is most influenced by both the schemes i.e. monetary value and non monetary value.This assignment is all my ain work and has non been copied in portion or in whole from any other beginning, except for any clearly marked up citation. It complies with the Instituteaa‚ ¬a„?s ordinances on Plagiarism which I have read and understood.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Babes in Bollywood

This paper is an effort to explore issues related to presentation of a woman in Hindi Cinema with the reference of movie â€Å"Mother India† directed by Mehboob Khan. This movie was nominated for Academy Awards for Best foreign Language film in the same year. This movie was remake of â€Å"Aurat† released in 1940 directed by Mehboob Khan. â€Å"Mother India† is one of the best Hindi movies. It is an excellent presentation of Indian woman in all her roles. Significance of movie increases exponentially, if one compares this movie with the socio-cultural perspective of the time of its release.It was a period of post independence in India. People on one hand were taking up developmental issues whereas rural India was facing the similar problems of moneylenders, Jamindari, caste, social status and pride. Differences of caste, social status, culture, gender, language, interests and several others were common. In such scenario, thinking of overall growth of a community needed to bring everyone together irrespective of their differences. Socio-cultural Perspectives Covered in the Movie Movie presents social environment of village where men and women have their predefined roles and responsibilities.Most of the women in the movie will be doing works like fetching water, grinding grains, working on fields along with their family members, cooking and other household works. They are expected to behave in certain manner. The famous actress Nargis Dutt portrayed what is perhaps the ultimate politically correct sacrificial heroine in the 1957 release Mother India (a remake of the 1940 Aurat [Woman]). Persevering against corrupt moneylenders, abandonment, betrayal, monsoons, isolation, and death, Dutt's character, Radha, provides the inspiration for her son and her village to survive (Booth, 1995).Radha as a Bride: As a young bride, Radha takes up all the responsibilities of households silently. She has shy and romantic relationship with her husband and res pecting behaviour towards her mother-in-law. She does not let her mother-in-law do any household work, once the marriage ceremony is over. Radha is concerned about the family reputation and well-being and does not want family to be under any loan so she wants to pay off loan with her jewellery. On the other hand, expectations of a husband (Shamu) to see his wife pretty and asking her reasons of not wearing jewelleries and telling her to wear jewelleries.Radha has expectation from her husband to get his attention. These factors are beautifully presented in the movie. This movie presents expectations of society from a young bride and expectations of a young bride for her family and husband in a beautiful manner. Radha as a Wife Indian society expect wife to be devoted for all traditional duties and support her husband in all thick and thin. Radha in this movie has done the same. Radha’s husband leaves her at young age due to his inability to take care of his family after the ac cident where he loses both his hands.Radha goes here and there searching for him and expects him to come back until the end of the movie. Radha sees his glimpse on her elder son and remembers him all the time whether it is festival or when she becomes grandmother. Radha’s devotion towards her husband is presentation of expectation of Indian society from the Hindu wives. Radha as a Mother Radha as a mother is brave mother. She adores her children, feed them and bring them up. Her children give her due respect. In the movie, it is shown that Radha shots â€Å"Birju† her younger son.This is something contradictory to the social norm and image of mother in society. Mother is expected to ignore all bad about her children and remember only one thing of her motherly love. Radha goes through hardships for the survival of her children. Wealthy â€Å"Sukhilala† the moneylender offers Radha money and food during flood and crisis in the exchange of her beauty, Radha for a m oment becomes ready to feed her dying children but as soon as she regains her conscious, she beats him up, comes back, struggles to find food, and survives.In this movie, various scenes have been presented in the way that the motherly love or the social depiction of mother is protected. As soon as Birju is shot, Radha throws the rifle and runs to hold him and Birju is surprised. This scene presents the unexpected behaviour in a manner that audience would accept and appreciate it. Radha as a Villager Radha as a member of a community holds certain responsibility for the land and her village. During flood when people start leaving village, she requests them and urges them to stay.She thinks about welfare of her village. She beats up and even kills her son when she finds him doing something against honour of village. Her younger son tries to take away moneylender’s daughter forcefully; she refers the term â€Å"Gaon ki beti (daughter of the whole village)† for her. This wa s despite of the fact that the moneylender was root of all the problems in her life. RaConclusion There are very less woman centred movies are made in Bollywood. Number of movies with the theme where woman has been able to bring change in the society is very less.In most of the movies, woman has less significant roles as compared to male characters. The subject of the movie Mother India is not just bold but also it is though provoking. The movie was released in year 1957. This was a period of post independence. Women in the society had to follow very strict social norms and guidelines. The tolerance zone for behaviour of a woman outside these social norms was narrow. The character of Radha has not just followed these norms beautifully but also posed several questions about the women in the society. Radha made a choice for good by killing her son.The starting of movie indicates the progressing India with the Water Canal inauguration by Radha, who is referred as Mother India. This mov ie has given food of thought to people. Radha was not just a character but also an agent to bring change. She was devoted wife like Goddess Sita and fierce Mother Goddess Kali twice first when she dealt with â€Å"Sukhilala† and second when she killed her son. Probably justifying Radha’s character was the most challenging aspect for the filmmaker, which he has done successfully. Radha did not leave her land even in the worst condition.Not just that she was able to convince other villagers to stay for the good of all. Radha talked about welfare of land and the village. She was determined and proved her concerns of welfare of society. The most appealing factor of the movie was the representation of characters in contradictory modes. Character of Radha became more appealing and powerful with the contradictory representations. Mehboob Khan represented rural India and a rural woman in a manner that it not just offered entertainment values to the audience but also gave a str ong social message to the society.Reference: Booth, G. D, Traditional Content and Narrative Structure in the Hindi Commercial Cinema, Journal: Asian Folklore Studies, 54:2. (1995) Pg 169 Rosie Thomas, â€Å"Sanctity and Scandal: The Mythologization of Mother India,† Quarterly Review of Film and Video 11:3 (1989): 11-30 Images retrieved on 29 Oct 2007 from †¢ www. tribuneindia. com/2005/20050526/main1. htm †¢ www. oscarguy. com/Resources/Annual/30th. html †¢ www. afc. gov. au/†¦ /archives/2006/04_oct. aspx †¢ www. afc. gov. au/images/puffs/motherindia1puff.jpg †¢ http://www. boloji. com/cinema/062a. jpg †¢ http://hcl. harvard. edu/hfa/films/2006fall/melodrama. html dha as an Individual At each stage of her life, Radha has proven herself a strong woman. She has maintained her self-respect and courage. She did things that were socially right. She was right of selling off her jewellery and paying off as much debt as possible to avoid the consequ ences of loans and interest in the future life but as a female and youngest member of the family, she could not take decisions.She had taken up all the responsibilities with courage. Her character in every form reveals the purity which society expects from a woman. GANDHY and THOMAS comment on Radha , â€Å"It is important to recognize that, throughout the film, Radha's ‘power' or ‘strength' is integrally bound up with her respect for ‘traditional values' . . . it is as a paragon of wifely devotion and chastity . . . that she is accorded respect and authority† (1991, 118 as cited by Booth 1995).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Midterm - HIST Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Midterm - HIST - Essay Example The meeting took place at Versailles on May 5, 1789.1 The success of the goal was the creation of a national assembly. As a result, it was a success as the event laid a foundation for the creation of a new constitution. Secondly, the revolts led to various changes in France. The revolts broke out in the name of saving the third state from Louis XVI. Later, the revolts engaged in addressing the ineffective land holding system. In addition, the revolts led to fear among the citizens and many-formed militia fearing attack from foreign troops.2 However, the fear created helped in influencing the national assembly in instituting crucial reforms. The nobility passed momentous reforms in the national assembly. For example, the assembly passed a declaration of the rights of man.3 Consequently, there was spread of liberal believes in the country. For example, there was access to public office, end of exemptions from taxation, and the people were allowed take part in making of laws.4 Moreover, there was a guarantee in the freedom of speech and the press. Moreover, the march to Versailles was instrumental. The march resulted from king failure to return to Paris he was against changes. The march largely comprised of women. The march forced the king to accept new decree by the national assembly.5 The king returned to Paris and feudalism was abolished as well as Declaration of rights.6 The other significant issue was the process of overcoming the enemies of the revolution. The effect was setting of revolutionary courts for trying the enemies of the revolution. This came to be known as the Reign of terror.7 The consequence was a creation of more space for the church as they were given place to reopen. Moreover, there was a passage of a new constitution and the establishment of a national legislative assembly. The other significant step was the coup d’Ã ©tat. A general known as Napoleon Bonaparte led the coup. The revolution was as a result, of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Age Of Sexual Consent In California Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Age Of Sexual Consent In California - Essay Example There is no law in the State of California regarding sexual consent. What exists is the age wherein persons are given full legal capacity free from parental interference. The age of full legal capacity or consent is at the age of 18.In California, a person legally becomes an adult at age 18 and acquires most of the rights, privileges, responsibilities, and obligations of adulthood.athers; 16 year old boys pushed into having oral and anal sex; (3) information regarding sexual encounters or experience of 16 year olds will be divulged notwithstanding the effects that this may cause on the child's mental and social wellbeing. The child as a human being also has a right to privacy and should be spared the ridicule and ostracism 16 year olds are still children half way between adulthood and still being a child. The dictionary defines them as young and immature. They have bodies as developed as adults and still think and reason as children. They are immature and the fact that these children would experiment and desire to experience sex as what they have seen in the Dvd, without thinking of the possible repercussions of their actions in terms if STD's, HIV and even pregnancy is proof of their immaturity. The Dvd or other direct or indirect influences are not to blame for their actions. They will manipulate the use of technology to suit their innermost desires: â€Å"In every era, new technologies are always adapted to sexual uses (Klien, p. 6).†Admittedly these desires are normal. There is nothing wrong in keeping them in control until such time that these children would have grown and be ready to take responsibility for their actions. ... 6)." Admittedly these desires are normal. There is nothing wrong in keeping them in control until such time that these children would have grown and be ready to take responsibility for their actions. Admittedly, this is a part of their self expression. But even this self expression is rooted on how the individual actually behaves. "We can't understand the origins of human sexual expression without knowing more about how we actually behave (Fausto-Sterlin, p.18)." This further proves that the adolescent who behaves in an immature way is not ready to delve into the study of his/her very own sexuality. But to allow these 16 year old children to rampantly experiment is against the mandate given by the people to the State. They are still too young. In fact the benefits of the Alan Guttmacher Institutes' study, greatly favors the experimentation at an age wherein the subjects are ready: "Women who consistently used condoms within their casual relationships had a greater perceived ability to use condoms in difficult situations, expressed a greater need for intimacy within a relationship and were more motivated to have sex to please others or to express love than women who had unsafe casual sex (Alan Guttmacher Institute, p. 57)." This is at 18years old. The study was made among vocational students meaning those that were not in regular schooling for being advance in years. The average age was 18 years old. This proves that 18 year old young adults are mature enough to think and decide for themselves. This study further substantiates the stand of the State that maturity, legal consent and capacity should be retained at 18 years old. Who will protect these children Who will guide them to make the right choices Who is tasked to ensure that their rights

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Care plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Care plan - Essay Example The condition is characterized with general weakness. It is common in elderly people like Ann and can be caused by pulmonary-related problems caused by smoking. In addition, the process of aging itself can limit the functionality and strength of muscles. It may also be related to certain conditions such as obesity, side effects of certain medications, emotional conditions like depression. In addition, it can be as a result imbalance supply and demand of oxygen. Anxiety is a state of fear and apprehension or uneasiness of someone’s mind due to fear of danger or certain misfortunes. It may be caused by environmental factors, genetic factors, and chemistry of the brain factors as well as medical factor. It may also be caused by drug abuse such as tobacco, which might be the possible cause for Ann’s anxiety. Stress in people’s lives is the most factor that can trigger anxiety. In addition, it may also be as a response to external forces. Knowledge deficit is a condition resulting to lack of cognitive information that is related to a particular topic. In this case, Ann may be suffering from knowledge deficit of her anxiety, activity intolerance and ineffective airways. It is always characterized by physical limitation, misinterpreting the information. Lack of learning motivation, emotional conditions that may affect learning, being unfamiliar with resources of information. For the ineffective airway clearance, the outcome criteria with time will be an improved breath sounds, normal rhythm and respiration depth, there will be a decreased dyspnea, the patient will have an oxygen gas within the normal range. To assess the airway of the patient for patency by asking Ann to say her name, to assess the quality of respiratory, depth, effort and pattern, and finally, to perform inspection to find whether there are certain obstructions in the trachea or mouth. To maintain a

Physical Activity Basketball Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Physical Activity Basketball - Essay Example Basketball has benefited me a lot, in terms of both physical and mental health. The physical activity I recommend is basketball. It is essential for basketball players to build strong mental health in addition to physical health. In order to make great achievements, personal skills alone are not the main contributors to success. Passion, team spirit and willingness to introspect are also essential qualities. I have been playing basketball for at least seven years now and I find it to be a really good sport. Basketball is a unique sport. Through my experiences over the years, I have found that my mind has become more mature and so have my skills. By participating in basketball matches since I was eleven, I have found that practice is not the only key to winning a game. Accurately identifying the opponents’ strengths and weaknesses can help a team gain a higher score. Therefore, I agree with Gladwell and Crawfords argument that physical activities require imagination, creativity as well as flexibility rather than blindly following textbook knowledge. While physical abilities are important for playing basketball, the importance of mental abilities also needs to be acknowledged. The height of a basketball player is one of the most important factors. If the height of an individual is not very low when compared to average height, he has a chance of becoming a good player. However, the main difference between a superstar and a normal player is not just their physical abilities, but their humbleness to improve on their weaknesses and sustain their strengths. In The Physical Genius, Malcolm Gladwell shares the secret of how Michael Jordan, the lord of basketball became the legend of this sport by spending a large part of his time wisely on reflection rather than exercise. He explains that though Michael Jordan and Karl Malone have unique skills that

Friday, July 26, 2019

Income Statements of International Financial Reporting Standards Term Paper

Income Statements of International Financial Reporting Standards - Term Paper Example In addition, the US GAAP treatment allows either single step or multiple steps format for income statement captions. According to Epstein (2011), under US GAAP, expenses such as cost of sales and administrative expenses have to be classed by function whereas in IFRS, expenses can be classed by function or nature. According to US GAAP treatment, classification of extraordinary items is permitted under certain circumstances and it can also be segregated within operating income. In contrast, IFRS bans classification of unusual items although it permits segregation of such items. Epstein (2011) states that the US GAAP considers estimated operating results of a discontinuing operation while measuring the expected gain or loss on disposal; on the other hand, IFRS reports actual operating results of a discontinuing operation as incurred. US GAAP provides a broader definition for discontinued operations while IFRS sets a narrow definition. Under US GAAP, restructuring costs are recognized on ly when it becomes necessary but IFRS recognizes restructuring costs when it is announced. Finally, additional comprehensive income items may be presented in changes in stockholders’ equity statement under US GAAP; but, this practice is not permitted under IFRS treatment. Differences in Balance Sheets As in the case of income statement, the IFRS balance sheet is also dissimilar to a typical US GAAP balance sheet. In the opinion of Epstein (2011), limited guidance on offsetting of assets and liabilities is a characteristic feature of US GAAP; however, IFRS insists specific guidance on offsetting of assets and liabilities. In case of IFRS, financial position’s classified statement is essential unless liquidity ordering is more meaningful. In contrast, such a statement is not required under US GAAP. Differences also exist in the definition of current/noncurrent between IFRS and US GAAP. The US GAAP treatment does not allow offsetting of assets and liabilities with various counterparties but it allows offsetting with same counterparties if and only the intention is to settle â€Å"net† (Epstein, 2011). On the other hand, IFRS permits some offsetting of assets and liabilities with various counter parties if legal provision allows it. Exclusion of long-term debt from current liabilities is a specific feature of IFRS. The US GAAP treatment refinances the exclusion of long term debt. The IFRS treatment states the minority interests as a component of equity while US GAAP guidelines restrict the presentation of minority interests as equity. As per the structure of US GAAP balance sheet format, entries are presented as total assets balancing to total liabilities in addition with shareholders’ equity. In contrast, IFRS entries include current and non-current assets and current and non-current liabilities. While US GAAP presents items on the basis of decreasing order of liquidity, the IFRS presents the items in the increasing order. Advantages o f IFRS to End Users Generally company management, shareholders, investors, and third parties such as banks and other financial institutions are the end users of financial statements. They get ranges of advantages if companies use IFRS accounting in financial statements. To the extent that financial statement information is not available form external sources, investors and other external users give emphasis on company financial statements.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Introduction to Web and Multimedia Quiz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Introduction to Web and Multimedia Quiz - Essay Example Choose one answer. D a. HTML b. CSS c. DOM d. NET e. JAVA 10 Marks: 1 In AJAX terms, what is the DOM Choose one answer. A a. Document Object Model b. Distributed Object Model c. Documented Object Method d. Disseminated Objects Method e. Delineated Object Methodology 11 Marks: 1 The Internet started as: Choose one answer. A a. An American military research project b. A commercial venture by Microsoft and IBM c. A student project d. A way to make use of personal computers e. A joint project by television companies 12 Marks: 1 POP3 is an Internet protocol for Choose one answer. B a. Composing songs b. Collecting E-Mail from servers c. Sending E-Mail to servers d. Uploading web pages e. Gaining remote access to computers 13 Marks: 1 The location of a resource, such as a web page, is given by a URL. URL stands for: Choose one answer. C a. Universal Road Language b. Unidentified Record Label c. Uniform Resource Locator d. Understandable Route List e. Unreasonable Response Link 14 Marks: 1 The use of tags is DEPRECATED by style sheets. In this context DEPRECATED means Choose one answer. D a. added to b. totally replaced by c. usually replaced with the current standard d. made redundant e. interpreted 15 Marks: 1 The following tag and attribute are usually used to: Choose one answer. C a. Produce a blank background in a table b. produce a phantom table c. remove the outer border of a table d. set the border colour to black e. position the text in the table 16 Marks: 1 By default, when a web browser comes across unknown tags, Choose...The salesmen were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of data nets danced in their heads. And I with my datascope tracings and dumps prepared for some pretty bad bruises and lumps. When out in the hall there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my desk to see what was the matter." What service of the Internet translates domain names (computer hostnames) to IP addresses. and also lists mail exchange servers accepting e-mail for each domain. In other words it provides a worldwide keyword-based redirection service

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Negative Impacts of Coal and Clean Coal Technology Research Paper

Negative Impacts of Coal and Clean Coal Technology - Research Paper Example Different types of coal are found inside the Earth in collective form which are then extracted and used for different purposes (The formation of Coal: Planete Energies ). CLASSIFICATION Classification of coal is done on the basis of transformation of the plants. The more transformed plant material the better is the form of coal. The type of coal is determined by a process known as Proximate Analysis. In this process the constituents of coal are analyzed for classification. Various constituents of coal are water, volatile substance, carbon and dust. Coal is mainly classified on the basis of carbon present in it and the relative heat energy it can produce. There are two ranks of coal; lower rank consists of lignite and sub-bitunimous and the higher rank consists of bitunimous and anthracite. Lower rank coal has low carbon and energy levels. They are soft and friable in nature with somewhat brownish appreance. The higher rank coal has high carbon and energy level. They are hard and stro ng in nature with complete black apprence. However, along with coal, peat is also present with is not classified as coal because of its characteristics yet it plays a very important role in the formation of coal (The Energy Library: Types of coal). Peat It is not coal but it is related to the process of formation of coal. It has a soft apprence and it consists of deposited plant substances along with other chemicals. They are present in the wetland areas of Northern Hemisphere. Lignite It is also known as brown coal because of its apprence. It contains upto 60% carbon and 50% volatile substance. It can not produce high level of energy and therefore it is not traded in the market. It is usually used in power stations and industry boilers which are close to the coal mines. Since it has a soft texture therefore it is easily converted into gas or petrolem. Sub-bitunimous Next layer after lignite is of Sub-bitunimous coal which is formed by the plant fossils that are burried deeper in th e soil. It is hard and dark in color as compared to lignite and it can produre high level of clean energy as it has lower sulphur composition. Bitunimous It has upto 80% carbon and produces higher level of energy. It is also known as sedimentary rock because it possess deeper plant fossils and minerals. It generates smoke and dust when burned. The appearance of the coal is either dark brown or black with fine texture. It is significantly used in electric producing plants and industries and it is very appropriate for steel making. Anthracite It is ranked as the highest type of coal because it contains higher level of carbon. It is very hard and completely balck in color. It produces less smoke and lower flame. Anthracite is also known as blue coal, stone coal, black diamond, etc. It is found usually in the mountain ranges. USES Coal is substantially required to fulfil the present and future energy demands. Following are the most important uses of coal (World Coal Association: uses of coal): It is used as liquid fuel in production of steel, cement and electricity. Coal plays a major role in paper manufacturing, chemical industry, pharmaceutical sector and in rifnery of aluminia. The coal by-products are also used in production of certain chemicals. Coke ovens produces Amonia gas which is then used to produce ammonia salts, ferilizers and acids. Products of daily usage such as soap also contains coal.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


USING CHEMICALS IN TERRORIST ATTACKS AND ON THE BATTLE FIELD - Coursework Example Since its inception in 2003 by the Congress, the Department of Homeland Security (in conjunction with The National Academies) has been instrumental in educating the masses and the media about various attacks associated with Bioterrorism. They have provided information concerning the characteristics, effects and dangers associated with Biochemical attacks. This information has gone through thorough evaluation process by experts at the National Academies to ensure that they are authentic. (Department of Homeland Security, 2003) Chemical attack fact sheet. With such information at their disposal, the general public can act without panic until professional help is sought. The reason why the Sarin Gas attack was catastrophic was because of panic and general confusion among people and professionals, making it easier for the terrorists to strike again resulting in more havoc. Since it is the public which is always targeted by these extremist groups, then it would make sense to educate them on how to respond to such a situation. Furthermore, there have been tremendous developments in the health sector to ensure that American citizens are catered for. There have been massive improvements in surveillance of diseases, storing of pharmaceuticals for emergencies and training of medical practitioners how to respond to such emergencies and how to identify the victims affected. (LM Davis, 2010) Are local health responders ready for biological and chemical terrorism? Despite these weapons being extremely dangerous, USA and the former USSR were busy stockpiling chemical weapons. During the First World War, Russia was shocked to learn that the US had atomic bombs that were far much superior to their armory; this prompted them to carry out extensive research in chemical warfare. As the tension between the two countries grew stronger, the US was forced to stockpile and manufacture as precautionary measure in case of an attack and also to outdo its opponent. The US and Russian

Monday, July 22, 2019

Age Discrimination in Employment Act Essay Example for Free

Age Discrimination in Employment Act Essay The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 prohibits employers from discriminating against employees, or job candidates, on the basis of age. This law covers workers who are 40 years of age and older. An employer must have at least 20 workers to be covered by this law. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act makes it unlawful for an employer to make employment-related decisions based on an employees or a prospective employees age. Here are several ways in which workers age 40 and above are covered: †¢An employer cant make hiring decisions based on an applicants age and he or she cant discriminate based on age when recruiting job candidates, advertising for a job or testing applicants. †¢An employer cant fire a worker because of his age. †¢An employer cant use age to classify, segregate or limit an employee if this will negatively affect the employees status or deprive him or her of opportunities. †¢An employer cant use age to determine an employees pay. †¢An employer cant deny benefits to an employee because of the employees age. In some circumstances, however, the employer may provide reduced benefits to older workers if the cost of providing those reduced benefits matches the cost of providing benefits to a younger worker. In other words, the cost of providing the benefits to older workers and younger workers must be the same. †¢An employee may take age into account when making an employment-related decision only if it is in regard to an authentic qualification necessary for the businesss operation. Age discrimination involves treating someone (an applicant or employee) less favorably because of his age. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) only forbids age discrimination against people who are age 40 or older. It does not protect workers under the age of 40, although some states do have laws that protect younger workers from age discrimination. It is not illegal for an employer or other covered entity to favor an older worker over a younger one, even if both workers are age 40 or older.Discrimination can occur when the victim and the person who inflicted the discrimination are both over 40. Age Discrimination Work Situations The law forbids discrimination when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment. Age Discrimination Harassment It is unlawful to harass a person because of his or her age. Harassment can include, for example, offensive remarks about a persons age. Although the law doesnt prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that arent very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted). The harasser can be the victims supervisor, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the employer, such as a client or customer. Age Discrimination Employment Policies/Practices An employment policy or practice that applies to everyone, regardless of age, can be illegal if it has a negative impact on applicants or employees age 40 or older and is not based on a reasonable factor other than age (RFOA). The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) protects individuals who are 40 years of age or older from employment discrimination based on age. The ADEA’s protections apply to both employees and job applicants. Under the ADEA, it is unlawful to discriminate against a person because of his/her age with respect to any term, condition, or privilege of employment, including hiring, firing, promotion, layoff, compensation, benefits, job assignments, and training. The ADEA permits employers to favor older workers based on age even when doing so adversely affects a younger worker who is 40 or older. It is also unlawful to retaliate against an individual for opposing employment practices that discriminate based on age or for filing an age discrimination charge, testifying, or participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding, or litigation under the ADEA. The ADEA applies to employers with 20 or more employees, including state and local governments. It also applies to employment agencies and labor organizations, as well as to the federal government. ADEA protections include: †¢Apprenticeship Programs It is generally unlawful for apprenticeship programs, including joint labor-management apprenticeship programs, to discriminate on the basis of an individual’s age. Age limitations in apprenticeship programs are valid only if they fall within certain specific exceptions under the ADEA or if the EEOC grants a specific exemption. †¢Job Notices and Advertisements The ADEA generally makes it unlawful to include age preferences, limitations, or specifications in job notices or advertisements. A job notice or advertisement may specify an age limit only in the rare circumstances where age is shown to be a â€Å"bona fide occupational qualification† (BFOQ) reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the business. †¢Pre-Employment Inquiries The ADEA does not specifically prohibit an employer from asking an applicant’s age or date of birth. However, because such inquiries may deter older workers from applying for employment or may otherwise indicate possible intent to discriminate based on age, requests for age information will be closely scrutinized to make sure that the inquiry was made for a lawful purpose, rather than for a purpose prohibited by the ADEA. If the information is needed for a lawful purpose, it can be obtained after the employee is hired. †¢Benefits The Older Workers Benefit Protection Act of 1990 (OWBPA) amended the ADEA to specifically prohibit employers from denying benefits to older employees. Congress recognized that the cost of providing certain benefits to older workers is greater than the cost of providing those same benefits to younger workers, and that those greater costs might create a disincentive to hire older workers. Therefore, in limited circumstances, an employer may be permitted to reduce benefits based on age, as long as the cost of providing the reduced benefits to older workers is no less than the cost of providing benefits to younger workers. Employers are permitted to coordinate retiree health benefit plans with eligibility for Medicare or a comparable state-sponsored health benefit. †¢Waivers of ADEA Rights An employer may ask an employee to waive his/her rights or claims under the ADEA. Such waivers are common in settling ADEA discrimination claims or in connection with exit incentive or other employment termination programs. However, the ADEA, as amended by OWBPA, sets out specific minimum standards that must be met in order for a waiver to be considered knowing and voluntary and, therefore, valid. Among other requirements, a valid ADEA waiver must: obe in writing and be understandable; ospecifically refer to ADEA rights or claims; onot waive rights or claims that may arise in the future; obe in exchange for valuable consideration in addition to anything of value to which the individual already is entitled; oadvise the individual in writing to consult an attorney before signing the waiver; and oprovide the individual at least 21 days to consider the agreement and at least seven days to revoke the agreement after signing it. If an employer requests an ADEA waiver in connection with an exit incentive or other employment termination program, the minimum requirements for a valid waiver are more extensive. See Understanding Waivers of Discrimination Claims in Employee Severance Agreements at

How Does Fitzgerald Tell the Story in Chapter 9 Essay Example for Free

How Does Fitzgerald Tell the Story in Chapter 9 Essay In the Great Gatsby, the last chapter of the novel is told two years later still from the perspective of Nick. Nick is writing two years later after the events with Gatsby, showing that a considerable amount of time has passed between its occurrence yet it is still fresh in Nick’s mind. The fact that Nick is still reminiscing about Gatsby and has written a book about him highlights the huge impact that Gatsby has had on Nick’s life. The strong connection that Nick feels has been created between Gatsby and himself is evident particularly in chapter 9 as it is apparent that Nick feels â€Å"responsible† for him. Even two years later Nick feels a sense of responsibility and loyalty towards Gatsby and that he is owed the truth instead of all the malicious lies which are created by the reporters, similar to that of all the party goers. The idea that nobody respect Gatsby the way he does leads Nick to believe that there was a â€Å"scornful solidarity between Gatsby and me against them all†. And so the start of his book begins two years later, the book that Nick hoped to clear Gatsby’s name with and right the wrongs that occurred that summer. In the final chapter of the ‘Great Gatsby’, Fitzgerald creates a sense of finality for the reader suggesting â€Å"the party was over†. Through the use of the repetition of the word â€Å"last† Fitzgerald also demonstrates the end of Nicks experience with Gatsby. The reader acknowledges that Nick finds it hard to move on and accept Gatsby’s death as he tries to keep him alive through the creation of false memories as a result of his grief, believing Gatsby to have told him that â€Å"I cant go through this alone†. The obsession that Nick has with Gatsby is more evident as Nick tries harder and harder to create the funeral he feels that Gatsby deserves, however he was met with much disappointment by those who Gatsby had done so much for. During Nick’s attempts at assembling Gatsby’s funeral he tries very hard to get the people Nick thought were Gatsby’s friends to attend. The difficulty that occurred as a result of Nick’s attempt highlights just how little an impact Gatsby truly had on any of their lives as â€Å"nobody came†. Fitzgerald uses this two-word sentence at the end of the paragraph to emphasise the betrayal Nick felt towards Gatsby, that after everything he did for everyone else, no one other than himself truly cared about him. The disappointment that Nick shows when nobody other than Gatsby’s father and a few servants came, made Nick feel angry towards everyone else as the contrast between Gatsby in life and death is so hugely different and it is now a world in which Nick takes a while to accept. In life, Gatsby was someone who burned bright through his dreaming, yet in death he had become someone who was forgotten in an instance, indicating the little influence he had on the lives of so many.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Corporate Strategy Model

The Corporate Strategy Model Understanding the strategic position is concerned with identifying the impact on strategy of the external environment, an organizations strategic capability and the expectations and influence of stakeholders. The sort of questions this raises are central to future strategies. The Environment Environment plays an important role in building up the strategies and how it affects the organisation strategies and goals looking out for the opportunities and threats from the outer world. Therefore it is very important to evaluate the environmental impacts on the organization. The capabilities Capabilities depends upon the resources and competences within the organization. One way of thinking about the strategic capability of an organization is to consider its strengths and weaknesses. Look for the core competences and USPs which the competitors will find difficult to imitate. Purpose The major influences of stakeholder expectations is organizations purposes. Purpose is summarized in an organisations vision, mission and values. This is important since it clarifies who should the organization serve and how should it work. this reflects the corporate social responsibilities and ethics. Culture These influences directly either on organizational, sectoral or national. Corporate Governance Corporate Governance is concerned with the structures and systems of control by which managers are held accountable to those who have legitimate stake in an organization. (4) There are many other reason which has made its presence an important issue for the organization. Out of which the three main reasons are as follows; The separation of ownership and management control which means that the organization works with hierarchy or within the chain of governance. This chain basically represents those groups that influence an organization through their involvement in either ownership or management of an organization. Scandals by the corporate have increased a lot of public debate about different parties in the governance chain should interact and influence each other. Most notable here is the relationship between shareholders and the boards of businesses as well as relationship between government or public funding bodies and public sector organizations. Increased accountability to wider Stakeholder interests has also come to be increasingly advocated; in particular the argument that corporations need to be more visibly accountable and responsive , not only to owners and managers in the governance chain but to wider social interest. Governance Structure Strategic Purpose Social responsibility and ethics Stakeholder expectations Figure 4.0 Influences on strategic purpose (4) The governance chain explains completely the roles and relationships of different groups which are present in the governance of an organization. The chain is very simple to understand it is similar like a family tree. It has shareholders, family members, managers and a board. It is a large and publicly quoted organization with more investors layers as well. Hence good corporate governance can be achieved only if it is an embedded part of corporate life: part of the DNA of the organisation, its internal processes and the way it makes information available externally. In many countries most companies are run mostly for the benefit of the shareholders, the rightful owners. But there is another model, where companies are run for the benefit of other significant groupings as well such as customers, the general public or employees. This is the stakeholder model. Choosing a board for each of these models or something in between requires people with different backgrounds and outlooks. The following table compares the shareholder and stakeholder models: Shareholders Stakeholders Maximize shareholder value and look after shareholder interests Look after all stakeholder interests, especially public Seek profitability and efficiency Look for survival, long term growth, and stability Hard-nosed and commercial Less concerned with profit than value for money A Stakeholders mapping can be used appropriately to understand the stakeholders influence. Stakeholder mapping can define his expectations and power and helps in understanding political priorities. It emphasizes the importance of two issues: Interest of the stakeholder group on organizations purposes and choice of strategies Power of stakeholders to actually do it They are described in a quadrant of four different types based on level of interest and their power, as follows Non Profit Organizations A non-profit organization is an organization which does not distribute its surplus funds to owners or shareholders, but instead uses them to help pursue its goals. Examples of NPOs include charities (i.e. charitable organizations), trade unions, and public arts organizations. Most governments and government agencies meet this definition, but in most countries they are considered a separate type of organization and not counted as NPOs. They are in most countries exempt from income and property taxation. Profit Organizations An organization is a social arrangement which pursues collective goals, controls its own performance, and has a boundary separating it from its environment. It is a business which has a primary goal of making profit and a proposed goal such as helping the environment. Differences between Profit and Non-profit Organization Ownership is the quantitative difference between for- and not-for-profit organizations. For-profit organizations can be privately owned and may re-distribute taxable wealth to employees and shareholders. By contrast, not-for-profit organizations do not have owners. They have controlling members or boards, but these people cannot sell their shares to others or personally benefit in any taxable way. While they are able to earn a profit, more accurately called a surplus, such earnings must be retained by the organization for its self-preservation, expansion and future plans. Earnings may not benefit individuals or stake-holders. While some non-profit organizations put substantial funds into hiring and rewarding their internal corporate leadership, middle-management personnel and workers, others employ unpaid volunteers and even executives may work for no compensation. However, since the late 1980s there has been a growing consensus that nonprofits can achieve their corporate targets more effectively by using some of the same methods developed in for-profit enterprises. These include effective internal management, ensuring accountability for results, and monitoring the performance of different divisions or projects in order to better benefit from their capital and workers. Those require satisfied management and that, in turn, begins with the organizations mission There are a variety of perspectives, models and approaches used in strategic planning. The way that a strategic plan is developed depends on the nature of the organizations leadership, culture of the organization, complexity of the organizations environment, size of the organization, expertise of planners, etc. For example, there are a variety of strategic planning models, including goals-based, issues-based, organic, scenario (some would assert that scenario planning is more of a technique than model), etc. Goals-based planning is probably the most common and starts with focus on the organizations mission (and vision and/or values), goals to work toward the mission, strategies to achieve the goals, and action planning (who will do what and by when). Issues-based strategic planning often starts by examining issues facing the organization, strategies to address those issues and action plans. Organic strategic planning might start by articulating the organizations vision and values, an d then action plans to achieve the vision while adhering to those values. Some planners prefer a particular approach to planning, eg, appreciative inquiry. Some plans are scoped to one year, many to three years, and some to five to ten years into the future. Some plans include only top-level information and no action plans. Some plans are five to eight pages long, while others can be considerably longer. For-profit and nonprofit business plans have many similarities. For that reason, nonprofit personnel would benefit from reading the links in the section above, For-Profit Business Planning. Some of the terms are different, but in most cases they can readily be translated into words more commonly used in the nonprofit sector. For example, balance sheet is what nonprofit call a statement of financial position, profit and loss statement (or income statement) is essentially the same as a statement of financial activities, and so on. One of the key difference between a for profit and a non profit plan is the marketing section. In a for profit business, the served customers are generally those who provide the revenues needed to cover expenses and continue operations. For a non profit, often the served constituents do not provide this sustaining funding, and it must be sought from a third party donors. This means the marketing plan must describe both how the organization will communicate its services to its service target market and how it will communicate its need for funding to its funding target market. This means detailing these two separate marketing messages and two strategies for marketing. Another key difference is the non profit part of the business plan. Financial plans for a non profit do not have to show net profit, and, if they do, there must be some explanation of what those retained earnings will be used for. They cannot be distributed as dividends, as the organization is technically owned by the public and not by the directors or board. However, profits can be accumulated for the purposes of creating an endowment or capital fund for future expenditures. An accountant should be consulted for any decisions of this nature. International dimensions of strategic business management and planning Going global is one of the key visions of most of the organizations. Choosing globalization increases the option for the organizations range of products or services and how to manage across the borders. Through international strategy framework it becomes achievable in a better way. International strategy as the core theme, depends upon two things, the external environment and organizational capabilities. If you see the figure 6.0 it focuses more on internationalisation drivers and on the capabilities side it emphasises on international and national sources of advantage. Figure 6.0 International strategy framework Internationalisation drivers Market selection Sources of competitive advantage Mode of entry International Strategy (4) Market Drivers Similar customer needs Global customers Transferable marketing Internationalisation Drivers Figure 7.0 Internalisation Drivers International Strategies Cost Drivers Scale economic Country-specific differences Favorable logistics Government Drivers Trade Policies Technical Standards Host Government Policies Competitive Drivers Interdependence between countries Competitors global strategies (4) Market globalization drivers There is a general belief that several markets are converging around the world. There are several reasons for this. First, the convergence of Gross National Product (GNP) per capita in the developed world is leading to a convergence in markets sensitive to wealth and level of income such as passenger cars, television sets, and computers. Second, there is evidence to suggest that in some industries, customers tastes, perceptions, and buying behaviours are converging, and that the world is moving towards a single global market that is basically Western and, more specifically, North American. In a landmark article titled The globalization of markets Levitt (1983) predicted that globalization drivers such as new technology would lead to homogenization of consumer desires and needs across the world. He argued that this would happen because generally consumers would prefer standard products of high quality and low price to more customized but higher-priced products. Third, in the quest to build a global brand and company image, multinational firms are increasingly favouring a global standardization of marketing and advertising efforts. This does not mean identical marketing and advertising campaigns, but the use of similar themes that send the same message across the world. Recent developments in broadcast media, particularly direct-broadcast satellite and international media, are making this more possible. CNN, for example, broadcasts standard adverts around the world. Cost globalization drivers Several key cost drivers may come into play in determining an industry globalization level. One key factor is global scale economies. That is, the costs of producing a particular product or service are often subject to economies or dis-economies of scale. Generally, economies of scale arise when a product or a process can be performed more cheaply at greater volume than at lesser volume. This is often the case when the product or service is standardized; hence it becomes hard for multinational firms to differentiate themselves, and cost becomes key in achieving and sustaining a competitive advantage. Producing different products for different countries leads to higher cost per unit. This is because multinational firms serving countries with separate products may not be able to reach the most economic scale of production for each countrys unique product. Multinational firms could reduce the cost by using common parts and components produced in different countries. Another factor is sourcing efficiencies. Global sourcing efficiencies may push multinational firms towards a global strategy. The prices of key resources used in the production process have a strong impact on the cost of the product or service, the cost of inputs depends on the bargaining power of the firm with their suppliers. For example, large firms purchasing large volumes have more clout with their suppliers than their small rivals. Hewlett-Packard (HP) is a good example. In the past, country-level subsidiaries used to solicit bids for insurance coverage independently. Each subsidiary chose the local provider who bid less than the competition. However, HP now belongs to a global insurer-insured pool which provides rebates based on business volume. In addition, as noted earlier, some countries provide a cost advantage because of low cost of raw material, low cost of labour, or low cost of transport because of location. Thus multinational firms locate their activities in different countries to benefit from these advantages. Further, in sectors where transportation cost is low, closeness to customers is not important, and urgency to distribute the product is low, multinational firms tend to concentrate their production in large plants producing large-scale products. Finally, high cost of product development drives multinational firms to focus on core products that have universal appeal to control cost. Government globalization drivers Governments have different policies for different industries. While (as discussed above) the general trend is lower trade barriers and less regulation, for a few sectors trade barriers are prohibitive and highly regulated by governments. In addition to trade barriers and regulations, technical standards are becoming similar around the world. For example, several countries have accepted new international accounting norms and standards. In Europe, the International Accounting Standards (IAS) are quickly becoming the norm. This will allow direct cross-border comparison of financial statements, and facilitate communication between subsidiaries and the centre. Companies like Nokia, the Allianz group, and Novartis are working to bring about a convergence of US accounting standards with IAS. Competitive drivers Because of tight interlinks between key world markets, intense competition across countries, and the continuous increase in the number of global competitors, multinational firms are adopting a globally centred rather than nationally centred strategy. According to George Yip, the increase in interactions between competitors from different countries requires a globally integrated strategy to monitor moves by competitors in different countries. He notes that by pursuing a global strategy, competitors create competitive interdependence among countries. This interdependence forces multinational firms to engage in competitive battles and to subsidize attacks in different countries. Cross-subsidization is only possible if the multinational firm has a global strategy that monitors competitors centrally rather than on a country-by-country basis. Globalized competitors drive industries to adopt a global strategy. Yip noted that when major competitors, especially first movers, use a global strategy to introduce customers to global products, late movers adopt the same strategy so as to achieve economies of scale or scope and other benefits associated with adopting a global strategy. Last, the ability to transfer competitive advantage globally drives multinationals to adopt a global strategy. For example, IKEA succeeded in transferring its locally developed advantage to a global market. Conversely, sectors where the competitive advantage is locally rooted and hard to transfer across countries, multinationals tend to adopt an international strategy rather than a global one. (8) Strategic Management Strategic Management is a term which underlines the importance of managers with regards to the company strategy. Strategy needs to be defined by the people especially the managers who also implement them. Strategic Management involves a greater scope than that of any one area of operational management. It is characterised in way it makes easy for the managers to make decision and judgement based on the conceptualisation of difficult issues. Corporate strategy is defined as the identification of the purpose of the organization and the plans and actions to achieve that purpose. Corporate strategy consist of two main elements: corporate level strategy and business level strategy .See figure 7.0 At Corporate Level: All the decisions need to be taken over what business the company is in or should be in. The culture and leadership of the organization are also important at this broad general level. Corporate strategy is the pattern of major objectives, purpose or goals and essential policies or plans for achieving those goals, stated in such a way as to define what business the company is in or be in and the kind of company it is or be. (9) At Business Level: corporate strategy is more alarmed with the competing for customers, generating value from the resources and the underlying principle of the sustainable competitive advantages of those resources over rival companies. Figure 8.0 The essence of corporate strategy At the individual business level: How do we complete successfully? What is our sustainable competitive advantage? How can we innovate? Who are our customers? What value do we add? At the general corporate level: What business are we in? What business we should be in? What business our basic directions for the future? What is our culture and leadership style? What is our attitude to strategic change? What should it be? What is the purpose of the organization? And what are our strategies to achieve this? (10) The three main areas of strategy At both the levels of corporate strategy every organization has to manage its strategies in three main areas: Organizations internal resources; External environment within the area of organization operates; Organizations ability to add value to its organizations process. Resources Strategy Resources of any organization includes human resource skills, investors and the capital. Organizations need to build a good strategies to optimise the use of the resources. In particular, it is essential to investigate the sustainable competitive advantage that will allow the organization to survive and prosper against competition. Environmental strategy Environment encompasses all the aspect external to the organization itself: not only the economic and political circumstances, which depends place to place but competitors, customers and suppliers, who may vary widely around the world, but also competitors, customers are particularly important here. Hence organizations therefore needs to develop corporate strategies that are best suited to their strengths and weakness in relation to the environment in which they operate. Adding Value Apart from environment and resources organizations still need to add value to the supplies brought into the organization. For long term survival, an organization take their supplies seriously and then deliver its output to its customers. The main purpose of corporate strategy is to make the organization create and add vital values to make sure the organization adapts the changes and continue to add value in future. Core areas of Corporate Strategy There are three core areas of corporate strategy are strategic analysis, strategy development and strategy implementation. Strategic analysis: The organization, its mission and objectives have to be examined and analysed. Corporate strategy provides value for the people involved in the organization, its stakeholders but its the managers who decide the objectives of the organization. They also analyse the resources and examine the objectives as well as the relationship with the environment. Strategy development: A strategy options has to be developed and then the right has to be selected. To be successful, the strategy is build upon a particular skills of the organization and the special relationship that it has or can develop with the other outside suppliers, customers, distributors and government. Strategy implementation: The selected options now has to be implemented and the organization will find many other difficulties in terms of motivation, power relationships, government negotiations, company acquisitions and many other matters. Hierarchical Characteristics of Strategy Strategy can be formulated on three different levels: Corporate level Business unit level Functional or Operational level, While strategy may be about competing and surviving as a rum, one can argue that products, not corporations compete, and products are developed by business units. The role or the corporation then is to manage its business units and products so that each is competitive and so that each continues to corporate purposes. While the corporation must manage its portfolio of businesses to grow and survive, the success of a diversified firm depends upon its ability to manage each of its product lines, While there is no single competition to Textron, we can talk about the competitors and strategy of each of its business units. In the finance business segment, for example, the chief rivals ate major banks providing commercial financing. Many matagers consider the business level to be the proper focus for strategic planning. Corporate Level Strategy Corporate level strategy fundamentally is concerned with the selection of businesses in which the company should compete and with the development and coordination of that portfolio of businesses. It is concerned with: Reach Defining the Issues that are corporate responsibilities; this might include identifying the overall goals of the corporation. The types of businesses In which the corporation should be involved and the way in which businesses will be integrated and managed . Competitive Contact defining where in the corporation competition is to be localized. Take the case of insurance; In the mid-1990s, Aetna as a corporation was clearly identified with its commercial and property casualty insurance products. Managing Activities and Business Interrelationships Corporate strategy seeks to develop synergies by sharing and coordinating staff and other resources across business units. investing financial units across business unit to complement other corporate business unit. Management Practices Corporations decide how business units are to be governed: through direct Corporate intervention (centralization) or through more or less autonomous government (decentralization) that relies on persuasions and rewards. Corporations are responsible for creating value through their businesses. They do so by managing their portfolio of businesses. ensuring that the businesses are successful over the long-term. developing business units. and sometimes ensuring that each business is compatible with others in the portfolio. Business Level Strategy A strategic business unit may be a division, product line, or other profit centre that can be planned independently from the other business units of the firm. At the business unit level. the strategic issues are less about the coordination of operating units and more about developing and sustaining a compititive advantage for the goods and services that are produced. At the business level the strategy formulation phase deals with: positioning the business against rivals anticipating changes in demand and technologies and adjusting the strategy to accommodate them inf1uencing the nature of competition through strategic actions such as vertical integration and through political actions such as lobbying. Functional Level Strategy The functional level of the organization is the level of the operating divisions and departments. The strategic issues at the functional level are related to business processes and the value chain. Functional level strategies in marketing, finance, operations, human resources and RD involve the development and coordination of resources through which business unit level strategies can be executed efficiently and effectively. Functional units of an organization are involved in higher level strategies by providing input into the business unit level and corporate level strategy such as providing information on resources and capabilities on which the higher level strategies can be based. Figure 9.0 Levels of Strategy (10) Global Strategies Global strategies have been deliberately pursued in some industries to integrate worldwide strategy. Essentially, strategy is centralised for the whole world, with an integrated network of production and market positions in all the leading countries on a broadly similar platform. The need for strategic business management planning can be easily understood by the porters diamond model. The diamond model is an economical model developed by Michael Porter in his book The Competitive Advantage of Nations, where he published his theory of why particular industries become competitive in particular locations. The phenomena that are analysed are classified into six broad factors incorporated into the Porter diamond, which has become a key tool for the analysis of competitiveness: Factor conditions are human resources, physical resources, knowledge resources, capital resources and infrastructure. Specialized resources are often specific for an industry and important for its competitiveness. Specific resources can be created to compensate for factor disadvantages. Demand conditions in the home market can help companies create a competitive advantage, when sophisticated home market buyers pressure firms to innovate faster and to create more advanced products that those of competitors. Related and supporting industries can produce inputs which are important for innovation and internationalization. These industries provide cost-effective inputs, but they also participate in the upgrading process, thus stimulating other companies in the chain to innovate. Firm strategy, structure and rivalry constitutes the fourth determinant of competitiveness. The way in which companies are created, set goals and are managed is important for success. But the presence of intense rivalry in the home base is also important; it creates pressure to innovate in order to upgrade competitiveness. Government can influence each of the above four determinants of competitiveness. Clearly government can influence the supply conditions of key production factors, demand conditions in the home market, and competition between firms. Government interventions can occur at local, regional, national or supranational level. Chance events are occurrences that are outside of control of a firm. They are important because they create discontinuities in which some gain competitive positions and some lose. The Porter thesis is that these factors interact with each other to create conditions where innovation and improved competitiveness occurs. (11) Figure 10.0 Porters Diamond Model Government Related and supporting industries Demand Conditions Factor Conditions (11) Conclusion No nonprofit entrepreneur should launch prior to completing a strategic business management planning. This is where entrepreneurs perform the well-known SWOT analysis to determine the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) associated with their nonprofit business proposition. Strengths and weaknesses identify factors that are under their control, such as what they do better or worse than the competition. Opportunities and threats are external or not under their control. For example, an opportunity may be a new foundation looking to fund nonprofit organizations within a specific time frame. A threat may be the lack of philanthropic donations due to a recent tax increase or the reduction of the nonprofit tax deduction. Many nonprofits fail because they fail to complete their SWOT strategic analysis. The strategic planning process depends on the nature and needs of the organization and the its immediate external environment. For example, planning should be carried out frequently in an organization whose products and services are in an industry that is changing rapidly . In this situation, planning might be carried out once or even twice a year and done in a very comprehensive and detailed fashion (that is, with attention to mission, vision, values, environmental scan, issues, goals, strategies, objectives, responsibilities, time lines, budgets, etc). On the other hand, if the organization has been around for many years and is in a fairly stable marketplace, then plann

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay examples --

Location and layout: A physical location is important to our firm but a website will make our services more accessible to more customers located in different regions. Physical location will have to be offices that include small offices for our human resources, website designer and finally rooms and conference room for the training. The address should be in a neighborhood where there are a lot of offices and businesses. Such a location will be effective because it will put us in proximity to businesses that we can easily reach and in their turn will spread the word about us quicker. Also being located near other known businesses makes locating us easier by referring to their offices or location to be near us. We won’t buy the property but have a lease, preferably to have landlord who will be responsible for property taxes, insurance and maintenance. . The office should have a room for the main training and a space for open offices where employees will have different tasks to do. The total square meter should be between 50 and 60 to meters squares. We found offices with similar criteri...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Chinatown Essay examples -- Culture Cultural Papers

Chinatown Before the 1960s, the era of the Civil Rights Movement and People of Color Movements, ethnic towns were formed due to the anti-ethnic legislation, which forced many people of color to live in certain areas of the city. After the relaxation of some anti-ethnic legislation, especially in residential segregation, these ethnic towns changed. No longer are these ethnic groups forced to live in segregated areas due to legislation, but rather because of economic and cultural survival due to the resources that are found in these ethnic towns. Chinatown, Korea town, and Thai town are ethnic enclaves that formed due to this process. Pilipinos themselves had their own enclave during those days also. During the 1920s and 1930s, "Little Manilas, " a more common term, dotted the cities like Seattle (along King Street), Stockton (along El Dorado Street), San Francisco (along Kearny Street), and Los Angeles (along Temple Street). Overt racism in housing evident in the segregation of residential patterns as well as a yearning to be with one’s own kababayan (which means companion/friend), caused these areas to exist. However, due to racist immigration laws that prohibited the Manongs to procreate along with other socioeconomic factors, these "Little Manilas" faded away either by forced gentrification by the city or its history being forgotten. There are several reasons for this lack of necessity of an ethnic enclave for Pilipino Americans. First, Pilipinos who immigrate to the United States are very acquainted with American society due to the U.S. occupation of the motherland. Hence, they are more susceptible to assimilation than many other ethnic groups. As a result, they did not have the need to create their own institution... ...hat I can to ensure a bright future for Historic Pilipino Town and the Little Manilas that may appear here and there. Being young and of the â€Å"next† generation, I would love to be able to visit this town thirty years from now and tell my children, â€Å"I remember the day this whole place was recognized. It’s still as beautiful as ever.† References Brainard, C., Litton, E. (1999). Reflections on the Centennial of Philippine Independence. San Francisco: Philippine American Woman Writers and Artists (PAWWA). Macatuno, E. (2002, October). Our Town. Filipinas Magazine, 71-72 Mosqueda, K. (2002, August 3). Dream now a Reality. Retrieved October 2, 2002 from Personal Interview. Susan Maquindang. October 1, 2002 Trinidad, E. (2002, August). City of Los Angeles dedicated Historic Filipinotown. Retrieved October 2, 2002 from Chinatown Essay examples -- Culture Cultural Papers Chinatown Before the 1960s, the era of the Civil Rights Movement and People of Color Movements, ethnic towns were formed due to the anti-ethnic legislation, which forced many people of color to live in certain areas of the city. After the relaxation of some anti-ethnic legislation, especially in residential segregation, these ethnic towns changed. No longer are these ethnic groups forced to live in segregated areas due to legislation, but rather because of economic and cultural survival due to the resources that are found in these ethnic towns. Chinatown, Korea town, and Thai town are ethnic enclaves that formed due to this process. Pilipinos themselves had their own enclave during those days also. During the 1920s and 1930s, "Little Manilas, " a more common term, dotted the cities like Seattle (along King Street), Stockton (along El Dorado Street), San Francisco (along Kearny Street), and Los Angeles (along Temple Street). Overt racism in housing evident in the segregation of residential patterns as well as a yearning to be with one’s own kababayan (which means companion/friend), caused these areas to exist. However, due to racist immigration laws that prohibited the Manongs to procreate along with other socioeconomic factors, these "Little Manilas" faded away either by forced gentrification by the city or its history being forgotten. There are several reasons for this lack of necessity of an ethnic enclave for Pilipino Americans. First, Pilipinos who immigrate to the United States are very acquainted with American society due to the U.S. occupation of the motherland. Hence, they are more susceptible to assimilation than many other ethnic groups. As a result, they did not have the need to create their own institution... ...hat I can to ensure a bright future for Historic Pilipino Town and the Little Manilas that may appear here and there. Being young and of the â€Å"next† generation, I would love to be able to visit this town thirty years from now and tell my children, â€Å"I remember the day this whole place was recognized. It’s still as beautiful as ever.† References Brainard, C., Litton, E. (1999). Reflections on the Centennial of Philippine Independence. San Francisco: Philippine American Woman Writers and Artists (PAWWA). Macatuno, E. (2002, October). Our Town. Filipinas Magazine, 71-72 Mosqueda, K. (2002, August 3). Dream now a Reality. Retrieved October 2, 2002 from Personal Interview. Susan Maquindang. October 1, 2002 Trinidad, E. (2002, August). City of Los Angeles dedicated Historic Filipinotown. Retrieved October 2, 2002 from